Things I wish I knew 5 years ago.

A couple of weeks ago I posted an article on my blog about the good old days, I ended by asking if there was a way of knowing when you were in the good old days. So I asked my fellow Redditors what they wished they knew 5 years before and hoped to compile the... Continue Reading →

The good old days

When I was in high school, I wish there was a way to go to the good old days that was middle school, In college I sometimes wish to go to the good old days which is (in retrospect) high school, sometimes I wish there was a way to know the good old days when... Continue Reading →

Meet the universe halfway

It’s the single best advice I’ve ever gotten.  A lot of my friends tell me I remind me of their parents. I feel really bad for them considering the amount and quality of dad joke’s they’ve probably had to sit through. But the answer to a lot of problems is this "Meet the universe halfway"... Continue Reading →

Why it is okay to be normal.

This article might as well be the least interesting one I’ve ever written but I’ve personally had the most fun researching for this article, so even if I don’t get many page views I still took something away from this. ‘Normal’ has seen much bashing in our society. We have everyone telling us we should... Continue Reading →

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!. I know this is a traditional first post, but this is something I've been looking forward to doing for a very long time. So hey guys, Let's figure stuff out together! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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