Meet the universe halfway

It’s the single best advice I’ve ever gotten.  A lot of my friends tell me I remind me of their parents. I feel really bad for them considering the amount and quality of dad joke’s they’ve probably had to sit through. But the answer to a lot of problems is this

“Meet the universe halfway”

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Speaking of dad jokes here’s a personal favourite

John is a very religious man and every day he goes to church to pray for god’s help winning the lottery. He does this for a long time and people in his congregation start to notice. John finally asks God in desperation,

“God” he says, “I come here every day, multiple times a day to ask for your help. And yet you do nothing. Can’t you just let me win the lottery?”

Suddenly God appears before the him.

“Look,” he replies, “John, you’ve gotta meet me halfway here, buy a goddamn lottery ticket!.”

Consider your life and there is a pretty good chance that you’re life’s nothing like you imagined it to be. But you’ve also had your fair share of success. But I can assure you something, you can’t laze around all day and wait for something to happen. No one is going to hand you the life you want. You need to start working towards something. In all probability you may not achieve it. But getting your ass up from the couch and working towards something will open up new opportunities , Opportunities that you wouldn’t be able to fathom if you hadn’t taken the first step.

So yeah that’s my 2 cents on the topic !. And take the first step, life is harsh and unpredictable and no way in hell we get out of here alive so we might as well just live a little ;).

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